Are you interested in the SmartWasteBag in the commercial sector?
Do you have general questions about our products?
Please contact us. We will get back to you immediately.
Whether it is an apartment building, office complex, warehouse or large kitchen - waste disposal plays an important role in every cleaning concept. A lot of waste is generated everywhere. However, conventional plastic garbage bags have a significant impact on the CO2 balance, the environment and the climate due to their production using fossil fuels. By converting your system to reusable garbage bags you make a major contribution to environmental protection.
The issue of sustainability is just as important in Transport of wet mop covers. Here too, large amounts of plastic can be saved by using reusable bags.
In addition to reducing your carbon footprint by using reusable bags, you also save money!
With the use of Smartwastebags improve your certification options, such as DIN EN ISO 14001, DIN EN ISO 26000. GRI, CSR or ESG.
Whatever questions you may have regarding reusable garbage and transport bags, we will be happy to help you and advise you on topics such as: product application, product sizes and shapes, closures, possible product printing and resale in retail.
Are you a private individual and have a question about the SmartWasteBag? We are happy to listen to you. Please also contact us using the form below.
How to reach us.
Write us a message or speak to our team directly. You can reach us by email, contact form or phone. We look forward to hearing from you!
Luis Alvarez
Telephone: 49 152 53077988