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Easily find the right size
You have probably noticed that conventional garbage bags are actually always much too big for your garbage can. SmartWasteBag is different. It has a very good fit because it is available in custom sizes in addition to the usual retail sizes. Take the time to find the right SmartWasteBag to order. The SmartwasteBags can be individually shortened using household scissors at the top of the opening.
Liter size SmartWasteBag | Outside circumference trash can | Height of trash can | |
3 Liter | 48 - 53 cm | up to 25cm | Buy now > |
5 Liter | 68 - 73 cm | up to 25cm | Buy now > |
10 Liter | 73 - 78 cm | up to 35cm | Buy now > |
20 Liter | 73 - 78 cm | up to 60cm | Buy now > |
24 Liter | 73 - 78 cm | up to 70cm | Buy now > |
28 Liter | 89 - 94 cm | up to 60cm | Buy now > |
30 Liter | 109 - 114 cm | up to 40cm | Buy now > |
50 Liter | 93 - 98 cm | up to 75cm | Buy now > |
60 Liter | 109 - 114 cm | up to 80cm | Buy now > |
70 Liter | 114 - 119 cm | up to 100cm | Buy now > |
120 Liter | 138 - 143 cm | up to 100cm | Buy now > |
The SmartWasteBag in everyday life
Robust, dirt-repellent and easy to clean.
This makes our Smartwastebag an environmentally friendly everyday helper.
Please ensure that you use it properly. This means that you should not dispose of any sharp-edged objects such as broken glass in the Smartwastebag. This could cause material damage. The Smartwastebag is also not suitable for transporting large quantities of liquids (> 1 liter).